Jacqueline Martínez (Lic. nº 9) - Phone: 623131206 - mail: servicios@taxi-aranjuez.com - Web book order
When you visit the website of Eco Taxi Aranjuez, we store cookies on your computer.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small piece of text that web sites that you visit send to the browser and that allows the website to remember information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, which may facilitate your next visit and make the site to become more useful. Cookies play a very important role, since without them the use of the Web would be a much more frustrating experience.
Cookies for statistic purposes
In www.taxi-aranjuez.com we use cookies for statistical purposes. This gives us the opportunity to find out how many Internet users visit different sections of our website, to make them increasingly easier for the user.
Cookies allow taxi-aranjuez.com to verify information during the process of contracting of services and navigation on our web space. These cookies do not track individual information. The information taxi-aranjuez.com can track includes:
We use statistics to improve the usability. Such information on the statistics is anonymous and has no relation to you as a customer.
Cookies for advertising purpose
In Eco Taxi Aranjuez we use cookies for advertising purposes. We use cookies of first (such as Google Analytics cookies) and cookies from third parties (such as DoubleClick cookies). These cookies are used to display advertising relevant to our users in search tools and third-party Web pages. We use remartketing with Google Analytics along with third-party cookies to analyze results and interactions.
If you do not want us to use cookies, please disable cookies in your browser. This will greatly reduce the usability of our website.
Neither Eco Taxi Aranjuez nor third foreign companies know (or want to know) the identity of visitors to www.taxi-aranjuez.com.
Law applicable to the use of cookies
If you want further information about the European legislation in relation to cookies, we recommend you to start by consulting the following resources:
Taxi in Aranjuez - Jacqueline Martínez - Phone 623131206 - Plaza Conde de Elda, 13 Copyright © All Rights Reserved